About Safetech

At SAFETECH, we are able to design and manufacture expansion joints, tailored to meet our customer’s requirements of pressure, temperature and movement, thanks to our highly specialized team.

Sobre Safetech


Fundación de Manufacturas ORIA SL


Foundation of Manufacturas

Start of manufacturing rubber-metal parts.

Primera empresa española en fabricar juntas de expansión Manufacturas ORIA SL


Manufacturas ORIA - First Spanish company to manufacture expansion joints

Start of manufacture of molded rubber expansion joints from DN40 to DN400, vulcanized in a hydraulic press.

José Unanue, founder of the company, checking the design of new molds.

Ampliación del pabellón de GABIRIA


Workshop expansion

The range of molds and facility is gradually expanded to produce molded joints up to DN1200.

Compra de la primera autoclave


Purchase of the first autoclave

This begins the production of custom-size rubber expansion joints.

Adquisición de una segunda autoclave, y alquiler de una nave de montaje en Urretxu (Gipuzkoa)


Acquisition of a second autoclave, and rental of an assembly plant in Urretxu (Gipuzkoa)

In this new setting, Manufacturas ORIA:

  • Manufactures expansion joints up to DN3000.
  • Optimizes the manufacturing process by designing a workstation that enables the assembly of the entire product in one place.
  • Start of exporting.
Manufacturas ORIA compra la empresa SAFETECH


Manufacturas ORIA buys the company SAFETECH

Located in Palencia (Spain), Safetech specializes in the design and manufacture of textile compensators.

Adquisición del pabellón actual de 1600m2 en Idiazabal


Acquisition of the current 1600m2 workshop in Idiazabal

SAFETECH consolidates the following activities into one company:

  • Design and manufacture of molded joints from DN40 to DN1200.
  • Design and manufacture of custom joints up to DN3600, vulcanized in an autoclave.
  • Design and manufacture of textile joints made of synthetic fibres, PTFE, and silicone.e
Se comienza a diseñar y fabricar juntas autocompensadas de caucho.


Design and manufacture of In-line pressure balanced rubber joints begins.

Un grupo industrial inglés especializado en equipos para tuberías, adquiere SAFETECH SLU


An English industrial group specializing in piping equipment acquires SAFETECH

This drives the initiative to design and market metal joints.

Apertura de la Oficina Comercial y almacén de 200 m2 en EAU.


Opening of the Commercial Office and 200m2 warehouse in the UAE.

Services offered:

  • Refurbishment of expansion joints.
  • Storage and assembly of components.
  • Inspection service in plants in the Middle East.
Nuestra propuesta de valor

Our value proposition


Head office and production plant in Spain. Commercial office in the Middle East.


Highly responsive to customer requirements.


High product quality and short delivery times.


Design and manufacture of the entire range of expansion joints.

They trust us

Quality control

Strict monitoring from the design desk to dispatch ensures the highest quality, according to ISO 9001:2015, certified by LRQA.

The following tests are performed on demand:


  • Radiographic tests
  • Liquid penetrant tests
  • Ultrasonic tests
  • Pneumatic pressure test and leak detection test
  • Hydraulic pressure test
  • Vacuum test
  • PMI (positive material identification)


  • Adhesion tests
  • Burst test
  • Chemical and mechanical analysis of materials
Diseño e innovación

Design and innovation

Our expansion joints are designed following the following international standards and good practice guidelines.

Rubber joints:

  • ASTM – F1123 – Standard Specification for non-metallic EJ.
  • Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
  • FSA (Fluid Sealing Association) Expansion Joints Piping Technical Handbook.

Textile joints:

  • FSA (Fluid Sealing Association) Ducting Systems Non-Metallic Expansion Joints Technical Handbook.

Metal joints:

American Specifications:

  • EJMA 10th edition (bellows calculation)
  • B31.3 Appendix X (bellows calculation, some specific manufacturing requirements)
  • B31.3 process piping & ASME standards (expansion joint structural)

European Specifications:

  • EN14917 (bellows calculation, some expansion joint structural)
  • EN13445 pressure vessels & EN standards
  • PED
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Contact us and we will be pleased to help you directly.


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